Simple solutions for computer issues

Windows Firewall  don’t start error  0x8007042c. or 0x80070433

On de microsoft side they give 3 solutions

Method 1: Scan for and remove malware

Method 2: Troubleshoot Windows Firewall problems automatically

Method 3: Start Windows Firewall manually

Method 4: Start associate services

described here 

But what if you don’t have malware (I tried 3 different scanners)  

And all other methods don’t work.

I found this issue had a deeper problem. Like a service what didn’t start   “Base filtering Engine (BFE)
Serveral solutions reported here How to Repair Base Filtering Engine Service Startup Problems?

However this solution didn’t work for me.  The reported error was ‘Error 5: Access deinied” But I got BFE: Error 6

Then on the avast forum someone suggested that the matrix (you need it when you have  raid configuration) driver caused the issue.

I don’t have a raid configuration but Matrix was there anyway, so I updated all the drivers


To do this I needed to shut down my virus protection (Avast)  And after the update the problems were finally solved.

Also I had a few different problems.

Windows Aero didn’t work well
Serveral task what should start up automatically with system startup didn’t start or were close after the start.

All those problems were gone, however!  I forgot to put on the virus protection. So the next day when the virus protection was on again,. the problems appeared again!

And there was my evil devil in the box. Not the drivers but the virusscanner cause the problems.


I want to share this because it cost me almost 8 hours spread over 3 days to find this.


Related issue:

Microsoft Backup don’t start.



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